I got word today that I'm about to be accepted into the RAOK Ring!
See ----------->
Look - New link on my blog here on the right! Hee hee hee!
Love it love it love it!
I know some of you are members already...once a member, if I want to send someone there a place to find their addresses? I mean...if I ask them for won't be a surprise now will it! ;-) Words of wisdom here?
That's all for now!
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Cooking up to be a GREAT DAY!
1. Got a call from the BF - YEAH - this 13 hour time difference makes it a complete pain in the neck to get ahold of people back home! If you've a second, drop a comment on his blog...he's a wee bit knitting discouraged and could use a little Cheering from the Stands (to make it as close to baseball as I can for my BF.) He has chosen to do a pattern of his own design for his second project...and..well...go on over and read it.
2. The humidity that we've been having here in China swept out of here yesterday (early this morning to be more correct) and has brought lovely cool, spring air behind it!
3. I got interviewed by SP4 Maven Jacqueline - click here to see the fun!4. Jessie, one of the team members on my account here in China, brought a Ga-Zillion homemade dumplings - made by her MOTHER!!! - for lunch today. It took her Mother 1/2 day to make these!
To the left we see the BOTTOM LAYER of frozen dumplings (the entire 16" x 12" x 5" box had been stuffed!!)To the lower right we see how they are cooking them up in a lovely electric skillet. Of COURSE, you can't just have them ONE WAY...NOPE! You can pan fry them or STEAM them or BOIL them in soup like Mag is showing us to the left! Voila - an ridiculous (Note: that's not a complaint mind you) amount of food! (See photo right.) This photo isn't QUITE accurate...their was one too many plates set AND two too few plates of dumplings on the table!!!
After all was said and done...we didn't touch ANY of the non-dumpling related they were packed up to be reheated for dinner...I convinced my team here ages ago that I, like them, didn't belive in wasting food, and leftovers were just fine with me.
It actually makes me feel a bit more at home. :-)
5. I'm cranking through designs today...not sure what the kick in the pants was...perhaps it was the call on my mobile phone that woke me at 4am? Asking me for a date to have the repair guys back in NYC come fix my fridge? I'm sure you can imagine the tone of the conversation as I'm trying to understand why they want to come to my hotel and check my fridge...I mean it's 4am! Finally I woke up enough to catch on and the woman felt so bad when I told her she'd caught me in 4am. It's OK though -- my fridge and ICE MAKER will be fixed on April 12th! YIPPEE. Nah...I think the kick in the pants was the call from my BF. Although I do have fun while I'm here, I need to get everything done so that I don't have to return a week after I'm home!
6. The new Interweave Knits 2005 Summer Preview is out -- go here!
I want to knit this sketchbook cover... and this Isis Wrap...and a TON of these Better-than-bootie-baby-socks (I have 7 new babies in my life on the way!!)
and...and...and...there are so many cute things coming in this issue!
(Let's see what gets weeded out by larger pictures!)
Back to work I go!
I LOVE IT WHEN A PLAN COMES TOGETHER!!! And what plan is this you ask?
No, it's not me trying to incorporate as many 80s TV shows and music lyrics into my music as I can...but nice try. First I'll tell you some things about my day... (oooh the suspense is killing you I can just tell.)
One of the things that you get used to when workin gin factories in China is the sudden and completely RANDOM lack of electricty that just happens. It happens all the time. The local gov't decides not to supply power and voila - they turn it off. This factory has a "sort of" arrangement with the gov't that the factory will provide electricity with their own generator on certain days - but this was NOT one of those days. As we sat to eat lunch...the power went out. That's why I said it's a "sort of" arrangement...because the gov't sometimes cheats on the schedule and throws a few extra days in. They started the generator (took about an hour+) and they have enough petrol for the nex 10 hours then they will shut it all down (even the dorms where everyone lives will suddenly have no power.) They have sent their gas truck for more petrol for the generator...but it's a 12 hours round trip including the fillup. This trip happens 1x per week or more, crazy eh?
And American's bitch about paying over $2 for a gallon of gas for their cars --- let alone for electricty to boot!
So I'm back to work and all's cruisin' along...
The local tailor came by and I gave him some fabrics for skirts and shirts (I brought a simple skirt and a simple shirt that fits me...and he can gopy them easily.) I can't wait for them! I plan to bead and sequin parts of the know - the FUN STUFF!
Then I have a conference call (5am NY time) with my boss & partner in crime, because a bunch of my arranged-over-a-month-ago meetings have suddenly been changed (by them not me...) and we had to do some hefty skootchin' around to fit in MY FUN AFTERNOON in HONG KONG!
Yes ladies and gents, cats and dogs, boyfriends and husbands --- I get to see the Hong Kong Knitting Gals again! YIPPPEEEE!
Details so far: Marjorie and Eva are IN!!! and (drumroll please...) the invitation to hang with knitters in Hong Kong got Justine to thinking -- and she moved her flight ahead a day and will now be in Hong Kong to join in the FUN!
Current count - 4
Hopeful count - 5
Ms. Siow Chin (of the famed Little Purl of the Orient) is trying to work out her schedule (since it is the begining of the Tomb Sweeping holiday) so that she can join us. Keep those needles crossed ladies! I missed her on the last trip and hope NOT to have a repeat of that!
So - I've got a WHOLE 3.5 hours free for yarn shopping, coffee?, Knitting in Public, chatting ans general knitting mayhem. Looking forward to packing as much as I can into that time!!!
I then will dash to drink and dinner for work - - not a bad thing mind you as these folks are AWSOME TOO!
OK OK - must get back to work!!!
I'm thinking about some contest ideas... (the rusty wheels are turning!)
So check back -- I'm hoping to post one up in a week or less...
Monday, March 28, 2005
Hi all! Thanks for stopping by today.
I'll start by telling you that I'm 11.5" thru my 16" skirt for the Petite Chic.
Knitting news is done...time for more important news.
See this BIG BUTTON? Yep - I enlarged is in hopes that you won't miss it!
What's is all about? Click and see or keep reading!
**Note...I plainly stole this description word for word from Justine at Adventures in Asia. Stop by and check her site out!
"There is something you can do this week, on April 1st a blog I read is having a comment-a-thon to raise money for breast cancer research. All you have to do is go to and leave a comment. People have donated money for the comments and the more comments the more money raised. The author of the blog lost his wife to cancer a year ago and he is doing this in her memory. It's a great cause and it will only take a minute but you have to wait until the 1st for the comment to count in the fundraiser."
You KNOW you have time for ONE MORE CLICK! the big ole button above and mark your calanders!
Happy Monday Y'all!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
I've fixed my Link Error and the link to Naive Knitting on my Peeps Topiary entry from March 24th now bring you to her lovely directions to make your own rather than to a larger photo of said topiary.
My friend Alex popped onto IM to wish me a Happy Easter and told me that he was planing to spend some time tonight exploding his remaining Peeps in the microwave. COOL! I never would have thought of that -- watching them puff-up all distorted until SPLAT! Yep...that inner child still rules me sometimes!
For more Peeps info - including Fan club info go to their official website!
Eggs and Rabbits and Interviews
On this, Sunday morning here in China...Easter Sunday around the world, I thought I'd share some Easter facts.
*Why does Easter move about from year to year? Because in 325 AD, Emperor Consantine wanted to bring order to the spring Pagan festival celebrating the Anglo-Saxon godess of fertility - Eostre or Eastre - that coicided with the Christian church's observance of of the reserection of Christ. thus the Emperor coveined the Council of Nicaea which rules that Easter should thus forth be celebrated on the first full moon following the spring equinox. So, Easter can no fall anytime between March 21st & April 25th.
* Rabbits or hares are said to have been a symbol of the goddess of fertility Eostre (Eastre) and there have been discriptions of her having the head of a hare, although no drawings/scuptures depict her as such. with the passing of Paganism in to Christianity much of this was dropped...UNTIL...In the 1500s the German Oschter Haws, a magical bunny, fluffy, cute and believed by German children to bring them a nest of eggs inbthe garden. The Easter hare was brought to the New World by Dutch & German settlers and thanks to marketing, card shops and a growing choolate trade, we are able to give and receive gifts of the fertility goddess or is it the Easter Hare to this very day.
*CHOCOLATE: Cadbury pioneered the chocolate egg we know today...starting in 1875.
*Eggs: It's uncertain when eggs became associted with Easter, eggs have long been a symbol of fertility. Painted eggs are found as far back as ancient Rome, but it was Edward I of England in 1200 that bought 450 guilded eggs (for 18p) and dispersed them as gifts to the royal family.
So...Lolly and Diane wrote up some interview questions to me! Thanks Ladies!
For Lolly's question and answer click here!
For Diane's question and answer click here!
If you want ME to interview YOU, please leave me a comment email me saying “interview me.” If you leave a comment, make sure you leave your blog address. I will go in the order that people asked to be interviewed, and depending on the turnout, I cannot promise more than 5 interviews every few days (I'm traveling!)I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog.You will update YOUR blog with the answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Ciao ciao!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Bamboo season and Secret Pals!!
Firstly - let me send a shout out to my Secret Pal who sent me a package last week! It arrived (Your item was delivered at 11:23 am on March 23, 2005 <- at my office 1 day after I left for this 3 week trip away! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Thanks a million and I'll give you another BIG THANKS when I get home (April 12th) and crack that puppy open! Only one question -- there isn't anything that should be refridgerated etc in there is'll be on my desk for the next 3 weeks! (We once had this smell in my office at Christmas and found out too late that a customer had sent a frozen ham (unmarked-duh) to a sales agent who happened to be traveling.)
NOTE: As always, if you right-click on the photo and go to properties you can cut & paste the address of the photo into a new window for a larger view!
Knitus-maximusHere we see a female of the species knitus-maximus in her natural habitat, on the move heading to the fabrics market in Canton, China, with sticks in hand toiling away at the famed "Chic Petite" on a shock-less van.
Please note the delicate angle of how she holds the needles, poised to stab at any preditor who dares get in the way of her finishing 3" before she arrives at her final destination!
Notice also that she's bundled up because the damned air conditioning was blasting subzero temps at 7:45am!
OK, OK - enough third person (I hate it when people do that!)They have been cleaning up the fabrics market a lot. When I first started coming, 5 years ago, you'd have to dash as lunch was ending because everyone threw their lunch trash out into the street for it to be swept up at days end...thankfully that is changing and they are frowning on this method.
To the top right you see see how the market looks today - - I was able to snap this in a rare "streets near empty moment".
To the bottom right you see the new building they have built to house this market.
Looks beautiful right? It was built by the government to give the market a better look etc...but after it was built the fabric stalls were told that although rent would be the same, they would now have to pay management fees, cleaning fees etc...
Since these stalls have such small margins to begin with, the building has remained empty so far. It is said that they will be forced out of their current spots and into this building within a year...this will mean an increase in the price of fabric for sure. ALso, if it's like the other buildings that have been erected, there will be no ventilation system, exchanged for large "no smoking" signs which are promptly ignored by all...and there aren't ever opening windows.
"Yes sir, that's one breathing mask for the red-head please!"When lunch time hits, you hear it before you see it...
Various lunch vendors carrying lunch in a pot and a bag of styrofoam containers to ladle it out into...some with a pot on each end of a pole that is carried across their back...each walking the aisles hollering out the name of the dish in their pot.
I would like to try it some time, but the folks I'm with are scared that I'd get sick (not that I've gotten sick from other food here...other than that little msg allergy of course.)
Not that I'm complaining though as we most always head to the Cow and Bridge (fabulous Thai food) after the market...see more on that later.What are these?
It sits about 7" wide and 5" tall and was at both the left-hand and right-hand entrances to a stall carrying a multitude of fabrics. Nobody in my party knew, so we asked! They are guardians to protect the store and keep ghosts from entering to disturb things. Neat. However - they also seemed to keep sense from entering as the way this stall was run, I can't see anyone being able to buy from them.
After spending the morning dodging bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, trikes, cars and vans of all shapes and sizes while popping in and out of a zillion stalls looking for that perfect fabric for next season (as well as a few fabrics for shirts and skirt for spring for me)... we left for a late lunch (after an all-to-early breakfast) at the Cow and Bridge.
Just a few photos...
Ooooooooooooooooh - Thai lunch time...and since there were two - yes TWO virgin Thai cuisine folks in our party...and since we know the owner ( a sister of a sister-in-law...) the dishes came out of every corner... NOTE: this photo doesn't show the 4 dishes that followed.
Whoever said Asian contries don't have yummy desserts hasn't met the owner of the Cow and Bridge -- dessert master supreme!The Evil Sorbet (left photo)...look at this - I couldn't do this again if I tried!
When looking at my photos, the top scoop has an evil grin on it...
maybe it's because it's the BEST SORBET I've ever had -- top scoop is mango, bottom is banana. Dairy-free and no sugar added.
YUMMY (and not to heavy after eatting my fill and your fill at lunch!) It's accompanied by a slice of mango (it's mango season!) and a chocolate stick. Yes, dark chocolate and mango is quite good!
To the right is a very unique's a clear wide noodle, cold, in a chilled strawberry soup with whole berry chunks floating on top. The taste - yummy...the don't want me to describe the texture of the's a very un-Western texture that takes a lot of getting used fact I could only get thru 3 bites of the noodle before going back to my sorbet. Sometimes it's tough being a textural eater...but I can handle it!
That brings me to now...where I sit at the factory about to get back to work at 10pm...long days I tell ya!
Happy Easter all!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Good Morning From China!
Today's post will bounce around a little -- I've a few things on my mind (when jetlag doesn't have my brain on pause.)
Some humorous, some political, some trivia...and yes...a bit of knitting goes!
Eggs-actly - just in time for Easter! This - This made me laugh very hard!
For full instructions, head on over to the clever
and chic Naive Knitting.
What is it you ask?
This is the BEST use for Peeps I've ever seen.
Enough Already with Martha!
This morning reading posts by Jessica over at Zarzuela, I ran across a great site: Manolo's Shoe Blog...and a post he'd made on his old site (he just moved.) Where I got this photo... Cracked me up! The No-Poncho Pledge - - go read it - darn funny!
You know -- traveling here to China I got 3 comments on the scarf I was knitting...
all three were the same --
"Oh, Are you knitting a Martha Poncho???"
NO - I AM NOT KNITTING that horrible number! ICK!
It's nice that she accepted and wore a gift that was made for her - but why suddenly does that mean that everyone needs one? (Sorry - had to get that off my chest.)
It was just so odd that everyone asked the same question...although one person followed her question with "She's my hero."
To each there own.
Oooh la-chocolate-la!
Upon arriving at my factory here in China, I got a package from my Japan office with some work in it -- and also some lovely looking chocolate fun! Thanks Reiko for adding these in! She added a note saying that she hadn't even tried them yet as they just came out! I plan to open and share with my team here this afternoon and tomorrow! I'll let you know how they are! :-)
Still number 1 but now also number 23
Although NYC is still the most expensive city in the USA to live in, due to the weakness of our dollar, we're now ranked the 23rd most expensive city in the world to live in, under such places as Tokyo (1), Osaka & Kobe (tied for 2), Paris (3), London (7) and Hong Kong (12). Which also means we get completely shagged when we travel to most countries other than ours! I suppose this may help US tourism?
Who is Jiang Yanyong?
Tuesday, Jiang Yanyong was released from house arrest where he has been since July of 2004. Who is Jiang Yanyong? He's the doctor that alerted the world that hospitals in China were under reporting the number of Sars cases during the Sars outbreak...or as written in todays' South China Morning Post, "...the military doctor who blew the whistle on the cover-up of the mainland Sars outbreak.
So let me get this straight...he was first jailed then moved to house arrest where his phone was tapped and mail read all because he allerted the world to just HOW terrible epedemic was at hand?
Shouldn't he be thanked?
"He did not receive any punishment by the party or the military. However, it is understood there are still several conditions the doctor has to meet, including no media interviews. He, his family members and relatives are not allowed to discuss or write anything reguarding his situation under shuanggui - a Communist Party procedure which requires the subject to report to investigators at specific times and locations." Reads the South China Morning Post.
So - he's now "free" to come and go from his house, but he isn't free to speak his mind. Let's hope they soon allow him to see patients again, "...which is what he most wants to do."
HELP! Have you seen this?
My friend Linda is an Occupational Therapist, working with young childer (often terminally ill children.) She has been using this toy: Fisher-Price Sesame Street Stack and Nest Cups. She recently ended up leaving this toy with one child who seemed to find such joy playing with it --- but now she can't find another and she uses it a lot in her therapies! HELP! Please let me know if you know where she can buy a new one? Thanks!
Since most of you have tomorrow off - being Good Friday (Although if I WERE home, my office doesn't take Good Friday off) - enjoy your day off!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
What a whirlwind week...end!
It seems the long catch-up blog is going around (see Lolly's). Today's my first day in let's roll back to Friday, March 18th and catch up, shall we?
Mad as a Hatter
Friday I hopped an early train to Philly and had a great time doing my Trunk Show at Strawbridge's Department Store. Such fun!
When looking for ladies having fun, head to your nearest hat department. I always love the looks on peoples faces when they try on a hat. Especially the fancy millinery hats. It's as though they transport themselves into a new suit/dress and to an amazing party...all by simply donning a hat!
After the show, I hopped a return train to NYC and dashed home to pack for the weekend!
Weekend Hooplah!
I took Dmitri to The Bernards Inn in Bernardsville, NJ for a 2-night (Sat-Mon) getaway for his birthday!
It was GREAT! Once again...I reccomend you all to look at the LuxuryLink auctions for luxury vacation (or in my case so far - weekend) packages!
I'll do a post about the meal and the wine (we had the 6-course tasting menu - OMG!!!) when I return to the states in 3 weeks...why wait? Because I left my notes on my bedside table! Hmph. But you do see a photo of Dmitri in his new blazer all decked out for his birthday dinner (that's his dessert platter in front of him!)Besides eatting & drinking amazing things...we shopped - went to one yarn shop (new to us) The Knitting Basket near the Delaware Water Gap. It was the ONLY ONE on the list of 8 (carefully researched by my dear BF) that wasn't closed on Sunday AND Monday! It was a nice, small shop - - but beware - the sign is small and if it's raining, you're likely to drive right past. I splurged on 2 Rowan books, the new Vogue Knitting International and some Artful Yarns "Candy" in two colorways. (More on that later!) Treated Dmitri to a Chantico (see photo)...a new evil chocolate concoction from Starbucks. Then we dashed to see a matinee (only $7.00pp WOW!) of Be Cool. It was OK. It's a rental.
It was a lovely slow and easy weekend!
Then we dashed back to NYC Monday so that I could further clean and pack for my trip. Dmitri jumped in to help and vaccumed a cat's worth of hair up! (How does one cat shed so fast??) Here see said cat, Loco, showing his appreciation for Dmitri's hard work!
His help enabled us to have time to head to midtown to go to Carolines...
Laughing the Night AwayMy friend Kerry had invited us to join her at Caroline's (Comedy Club) (50th & Broadway) to see an old roommate of her's, Reeny McGuinness, do her thang on Monday night. Thankfully she was quite funny! She was one of the few that had both the men and women laughing! If you hear of her playing a comedy club near you, go see her!
There were about 8 folks that each did an act - about 65% were funny -- 3 were painfully awful!
Take Off - Knitting time
Arriving at the airport I'm greeted by around 75 running, jumping, squeeking pre-teens who will all be on my flight - in my coach cabin to Asia. Yippee!So I was more than happy when I was authorized to take the airlines deal of a cheap upgrade to Business class. (The flight was very overbooked!)
What's a girl to do? Knit more!
I'd packed the dress I'm knitting for my niece (see last weeks entry below) as well as a few other projects (to get my mind off the mind-numbing stockinette section of the dress) projects into the bag!
So on the flight I started in on the Lace Wrap Pattern (#13) from Spring/Summer 2005 Vogue Knitting International.
Yarn: Italian made, Artful Yarns - Candy
Content: 64% Cotton, 32% Acrylic, 3% Nylon, 1% elastic
Color: 9359 (lot 81) in blue/turq/green/white
(Machine wash delicate cycle.)
Close-up of the color!
The photo here shows about 1.5 balls -- project should be 3 balls. It's to match my new yummy Turquoise trench coat for spring.
It was just what I needed for the 18 hours of actual flying time. (The direct flights were I had to layover for 2 hours in Tokyo.) I arrived at my hotel in China around 1am this morning (noon NYC time.)
Back to Asia again!
So that brings me to today and work. It's good to be here to get things done - and there are many things to be done! Thankfully I have the car rides (at night when it's too dark to knit) where I can email myself the text for my blog...otherwise I fear that I wouldn't get any blogging done on this trip!
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Relaxing on a Quickie!
Dmitri and I are in Barnardsville, NJ on a quickie 3-day, 2-night getaway (perfect timing) to celebrate not only his birthday (Monday!) but the last few days I'm around before I'm off again to Asia. We're staying at the Bernards Inn - wonderful in all ways!
He surprised me by having searched out a looong list of LYSs - and wew're going to explore those that are open...most things in this part of NJ are closed on Sundays (including Restaurants!)
I'll write a fully detailes write up - including the Amazing meal from last night - tomorrow(ish).
Hope you're all having a GREAT WEEKEND!
Ciao Ciao!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
That's how I feel today. OK OK - I know it has to happen from time to time.
Today just wasn't a good day (so far!) OK - that's not 100% true - parts were Great (lunch with Allegra - it was SO NEEDED! and bought a few skeins of yarn (sale!) that I needed. No really - I needed them <-- yarn therapy. AND I signed off on the furniture that will be in my new office (end of May I'll move in) Yeah!) - but the general mood of the day -- that's right -- SUCK-0-LA!
My assistant gave her notice this morning...yes...5 days before THE GIANT IMPORTANT TRIP we've been planning for MONTHS...which means that I now get to do it all (again.)
OK - I love my job - so it's not the JOBS FAULT...but it's possibly the WORST WORST WORST timing. I won't be able to consider interviewing new folks until late April/May...which means it's going to be a few LOOOONG months -- so pardon if I don't have as much time to blog on.
Hmmm...perhaps tonight is the night to spend the buy-one-get-one Ben & Jerry's coupon...mmmm and we didn't end up opening the wine last night (Dmitri was afraid he wouldn't be able to get his knit on if he had a glass...tee hee...) but Chianti doesn't go with ice cream...maybe I'll chill that bottle of Moscato I have....
Tomorrow morning I'm off all too bright and early to Strawbridge's Department Store in Philadelphia, PA. I'm doing a trunk show! Yeah! (It's a personal appearance...I go and help customers (as the designer) pick out hats to go with there outfits/Easter suits etc.) Hey - first 50 people to buy a hat from my collection get a free hatbox! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Time to put my time management skills into overdrive.
Back to the pile of work I go.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Hustle & Bustle
It's been a busy week already and it's only Wednesday!
I had a lovely impromptu visit from Meg, a new knitter who needed help with one little simple thing in order to be able to knit this week. She's a Doula, which I found to be very interesting! Since much of her time these next few days will be spent waiting for a baby to come, the knitting will be super handy!
I've been spending time wrapping up bills know all those things that need to be finished before a long trip away from home...the BORING STUFF of life!Then today I had to run a few errands and pick up a few things in the market for the office! Trying to maneuver the streets of NYC in a touristy section whilest carrying 2 hat boxes and a large tote bag (plus wearing a hat and coat and big scarf) Ooof! What a job! :-) Although folks seem to be enjoying my city - they certainly aren't aware of others on the sidewalk nor are they nice when you are trying to pass them. (I think it's not New Yorkers that are nasty...I think it may just be the overwhelmed tourists!)
Tonight Dmitri requested to have my pasta sauce for dinner - so out of the freezer it came! A girlfriend of mine may drop in to join us and share in the food and wine!
Got a lovely Chianti (Melini 1999 Vigneti la Selvanella Chianti Classico Riserva) from my FAVORITE wine store ~ Morrell's since I as in the neighborhood! It's 1998 sister was judged to be winner of the flight at a tasting at the Twin Cities Tannin Pig! Looking forward to popping it open tonight!
OK - I have to go into a meeting - back to work I go!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Monday Monday (do do-o, do-do-do-o do) Labels: Casa La Femme, Gift, Movies, Patsy's Pizza, Petite Chic, Robots
What a whirlwind weekend! I returned from my big-ole-meeting around noon on Saturday and took too much time to nap. But - it was needed. Dmitri and I went checked out the Patsy's Pizza on the West Side (74th & Colunbus Avenue)...oooh yummy! Again (as I've said before) the perfect meal - their pepperoni pizza (the little spicy pepperonis!) and their Insalata Mista. Perfecto! From there we went to see Robots at the IMAX theatre. It was cute...very cute in fact...but I'm disagreeing with critics - I think The Incredibles is still better! Robots does send a good message of following your dreams.Sunday was spent enjoying the lovely weather...walking thru Manhattan and doing a little shopping for organizational things. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Then we changed up and dashed to meet DeJay, Matt and a co-worker (fresh off a flight from the UK) Dave for drinks then dinner.
Drinks...Gustavino's - they make a MEAN Appletini!Dinner to follow at Casa la Femme North (used to be in Soho but moved to 1076 First Ave. at 59th Street when they lost their lease downtown.) It was yummy & fun! Dave had requested a non-touristy night in NYC before hunkering down to work on Monday...and since this was his second visit to NYC -- last one being too many years ago to embarrass him with...I think we did just fine! The bellydancer was quite good and tried to teach Matt & Dave how to swing their hips a little.
Then, as per custom, we showered her with cash - yep - good old dollar bills. When I first told the guys they may want to break a bill into some ones...they looked at me with this "where the heck have you brought us?" look. (Grinning the entire time mind you!) Here we see Dmitri tucking in the cash I gave him (Lucky fella - how many of YOU have said "Honey, here are some dollar bills, can you just tuck them into her waistband for me?) We also see Dave, who didn't want to seem ungrateful for the lessons...but felt if he looked at might be not right... silly Dave.
We sat under a tent at a table large enough for 6, and ordered from the $55 five-course prix fixe menu. Yum. I'd pass on the rabbit broth soup next time and opt for the salad.
Otherwise, the Mezze course (first course of homemade oven-hot pita bread and 3 dips ~ Babaganoush, Hummus and a Fava bean dip) was lovely as was the vegetable stuffed filo packets and the whole roasted sea bass - amazing flavor! May I reccomend the Mango Martini and the White Rioja (wine) that is on their short whine list. Dessert - Flan Cake with Ice Cream, Coconut, and Honey was tasty too - especially with the house mint tea. It was a great night and so good to spend more time with Dejay and Matt and to meet Dave! Yeah!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
3rd time the charm?
Is anyone else out there having AWFUL TROUBLE with Blogger these past two days?
Blogger has crashed everytime I write this and it's been lost each time. Hmph.)
Here's the review of The Upside Of Anger as promised 2 days ago!
It's dark, full of turmoil - - - and I liked it!
You can all read the general premise - but don't read too many -- just go and see for yourself. I also fear that reading too many reviews will tell too much and give away the moments that made it such a nice change. It's not a funny film, though there are funny moments (Moviefone bills it as a romantic comedy?) -- it really is rather painful at times too. You begin to really feel for the charaters - whether it's sorrow or hatred. I enjoyed the cast of characters quite a lot.
Favorite moments (without giving anything away):
- Terry (Joan Allen) telling off the boyfriend of her daughter at the wedding (and vice versa).
- Denny (Kevin Costner) hiding in his yard.
- The hospital scene with Terry and Emily (Keri Russell).
Tonight will be FUN!
My girlfriend Morgan is coming to have tea (she's just getting over a lingering cold and I'm refusing the offer of Drinks to mother her into having tea!) Then Dmitri (BF) is coming over and we're off for dinner at my local YUMMY Curry House, Indian Cafe. Bring on The Naan and the Tikka Masala!
Hip hip Hooray! My Messenger service finally arrived today and picked-up/delivered the 2 samples of the 2 designs I sold to an upcoming book! Yippee! And no, I don't know the name of the book yet. I'll let you know when I can! Now to sit and work on the one outstanding design that I want to submit to another publication. Phew!
I'm off tomorrow for a loooong loooong meeting...back on Saturday (because I don't want to drive home in the wee hours in the midst of a snow storm!) I may actually have a few minutes to peek into an antique store or two (keep those fingers crossed!) near the meeting!
Have a great Thursday Y'all!
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
OH MY - See...a reason to get CABLE TV!
avaD was just kind enough to email me a link to a TV show that will debut TOMORROW NIGHT on the STYLE NETWORK... Craft Corner DeathMatch!
I wanna be a judge on this show! Yep! That's what I want. Looks like a BLAST!
So, hey, any judge openings? Let me know! I'm a crafty-fun chick!
(hmmm....who'm I gonna get to record it for me? My "connection" is on vacation!")
Where did I go? No where to be exact.
I took a week off from blogging, internet and emails of non business kind.
Why? Sometimes a girl just needs to sit and read a book, relax with friends and catch up on cleaning etc. So - the last week in a nutshell (and random order):
1. Got a visit from my dear dear friend, Tara, whom I miss all too much when she's not here! We ate out, shopped and just generally chatted.
2. Saw Pieces (of Ass) with Tara. No, it's not a male review... it's 7 monologues done by beautiful women about the troubles to either become beautiful or about being beautiful. Enjoyed it.
3. Bought bedside "tables" for my BR. They are from the Stinson collection, but there are NO photos of them online. Perhaps it's because the stores just got them? I really want the coffee table save save! The room is nearly done - I now need to paint. I'm also on the search for the PERFECT mirror for the walls (2 perhaps) to help bounce the light around. (Feels so nice to be buying REAL FURNITURE!!!) hee hee hee!
4. Made a gift for my Secret Pal! Ohh -- Used the pasta AND the dish towel from the lovely Secret Pal who sent such a nice package for Valentine's Day! Thanks again!5. Had a lovely night out with my BF - dinner at Roppongi, Hitch (funny!) and dessert at Cafe Lalo.
6. Made a YUMMY Brunch on Sunday for my BF and dear friends Kerry and Bill. The Menu: Banana/Pecan Pancakes, a Florentine Fritatta and Carrot-Cranberry muffins. They brought a lovely Reisling and voila! YUMMY! (Plus coffee & juice!)
7. Finished 1 project and have gotten so far as blocking the parts of the second (to be finished/ sewn up tonight and all shipped out tomorrow.) Designs I sold to a book. Yeah! Shhh. Shan't mention any more right now.
8. Worked on both of my days off that I took, and Saturday...which means they weren't days WONDER I don't feel like I got a break. (yes...bitter.) 9. Bought some new CD's: Amos Lee (his self-titled debut - he plays in NYC quite often), the latest Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams (which I'm trying to get my entire office to LOVE!); Joss Stone's freshman effort, The Soul Sessions ; and Astrud Gilberto's Finest Hour.
10. Work week is pluggin' along. It's Market Week, so buyers are rolling thru...this also mans it's a no jeans, put your hair in curlers and dress right, as you are the boss.
Atleast tonight I'm seeing a free preview of Upside of Anger. Look here tomorrow for a review.
11. Met with Valentina for coffee and knitting at Barnes & noble! Hopefully we'll be able to have some more knitting fun when she returns from California --- Have a great trip!Last - but DEFINATELY NOT LEAST! Yeah - I was the 1000th commenter on Pinku's blog! So...Kat, the owner of Pinku, sent me a happy package from Japan which greeted me when I arrived home yesterday! Thanks Kat - HOW FUN!!! I may have to steal your Idea when I get there (to 1000 that is!)
PS - Have any of you submitted anything to KnitNet for hopeful publication? Talk to me. Cheers!