A Hat Fiesta (and a little knitting!!)
Picking up where I left off yesterday...the Wedding was just lovely!
I then spent Sunday thru Monday (wee hours of the a.m.) designing bags for the private label project (keep those fingers crossed as we hope to hear if all was worth the time just after July 4th!)
Had the meeting on Monday morning then hopped a plane to the UK to present my new line (Spring/Summer 2006) to my UK/European sales agents. Days were spent at meetings and nights were spent on the computer working out the details of the private label project (big money at stake here!!!)
The trip home (average from London to NYC is 7 hours) took 20 -- yes -- twenty hours!It's really not worth going in to -- but I did meat a wonderful woman on the flights -- Joanna! Nice to enjoy such long conversations with a new friend! Thanks Joanna!
Upon returning home - it was more catalog work and then, THE UNTHINKABLE HAPPENED!!!
Are you sitting down?
I took the weekend off. Yup. Crazy eh?
My girlfriend Michelle and I hopped into a rental car and zoomed to visit my parents in New Hampshire. We went to a day spa -- OMG -- bring ON the hot stone massage! WOW! We even got to see the Momma Bear and her 3 cubs that have been visiting (and stealing the bird seed from their bird feeders) my parents for these past few months!Monday brought a slight calm -- still wrapping up the catalogs...
and now -- now I'm wrapping up the details and preporation for my PA out in San Diego this weekend!
Yeah!!! My publicist has been working hard, so hopefully we'll get some great press out of this! It'll be my first West Coast Trunk Show (I've done a bunch on the East Coast.)
Oh - and to answer a few questions asked yesterday...
The labels that I design and will be showing/selling are called Betmar and Plaza Suite. Click here for a preview of the Autumn/Winter 2005 line.
It's nearly horse racing season in San Diego, and time for you ladies to select the hat you'll wear to opening day! Bring the outfit you need a hat to match and I'll help them select the perfect one!
So...This Sunday, June 26th from 11am-2pm, I'll be at:
The Village Hat Shop, Seaport Village (as photo'd above)
853 W. Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 233-7236
If you're in the neighborhood -- please DO come on over! If you've never been in the company of a room full of hat gals -- you don't know what you're missing!!!OK OK -- promised knitting content...
I finished the first sock and fit it on my Mom while I was visiting last weekend...but alas it was too big (her measurements had been off a bit due to the type of ruler used when she took them...) Thus I went-a-frogging! I took out all the way up to above the solid blue section. I'll post the updated new version soon!
Meetings time -- off I go!Almost forgot to share --- if in NYC -- GO TO SEE Brooklyn the Musical!
The entire cast have wonderful voices - but the main character is played by Eden Espinosa --- Her voice is AMAZING!!!
I think the gents enjoyed it as much as the ladies did (7 of us went together!)
This was one of the most enjoyable musicals I've seen in a while!!!
The costume and set design was awsome! It all flowed wonderfully!!!
i am going to comment for this one and the previous as well, LUCKY!!!!! london how wonderful, sorry about the 20 hr flight geees! i am so happy for you that your doing a west coast trunk show! I can't beleive that you took the weeken off your the busiest person i know:) you go girl, spa it up!
9:20 PM
wow you are one busy lady, sadly I don't have time to read it all :( sorry. Just wanted to say hi though. Yes the food here is amazing and if you ever make it this far south I will send you with a list of places to eat.
10:34 AM
Darn - SD is a little too far to travel for this NorCal-er! However, this is a wonderful time of year to be visiting Southern California. I hope you got a chance to go to the beach!
1:07 PM
I'm always amazed how you can fit in so many things into your life! The job, the knitting, the blogging and so many other fun events! I wish I could do that!
9:41 PM
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