Creativity and Ramblings from the heart of NYC and around the World

Friday, January 11, 2008

Careful now...

How many flights have I flown? Well...I've been to Asia over 50 times to start with, so that's over 100... plus internal flights, European flights and domestic flights...

I'm at Newark Airport, and asked which line was for my boarding. After being directed to the line, I was just checked in. A scan of the ticket, a matching of the ticket to the passport and voila -- love that Elite-line where I zoomed right through! I walked on plane and an attendant pointed my way to my seat (12.)
9, 10 [walking], 16... Wait... 9, 10, 16?
I think - do I not have a seat?

I went back to the flight attendant who tells asks me what I need. "A seat", I reply.

I was on the wrong flight.
I'm to going to London.
I walk off the plane as my boss is about to do the same thing. Yep-those checker-inners are REALLY careful! I'm on the right one now.
Barcelona here we come!

Sent from my Blackberry


Blogger pupupidu said...

Definetively .... you should write a book and tell all your adventures!! I hope you're enjoying your WE at Barcelona!

12:06 PM

Blogger Mira said...

Hehe I cracked up laughing after reading your post...never knew that can actually happen!

10:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! ohgosh how lucky that the seat numbers were wacky like that- or else you might have been comfortably on your way elsewhere!!
xo Darlene

can't wait to see Spain through your eyes.I went with my family when i was younger and we even took a daytrip to Morocco which I loved. want to return.

12:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

DOH! I always wondered if they really pay attention.

9:34 AM


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