Creativity and Ramblings from the heart of NYC and around the World

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fox TV online

They've posted yesterday's interview online...

see it HERE

If it's like most other TV websites, it'll be up for about a week then gone so look now if you're curious.

I'm off for nother one this morning! Fun! I'll be on NBC 7/39 San Diego between 8:30am and 9am.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were terrific! So natural! And the hats were fab, especially that red number you were wearing.

12:53 PM

Blogger Sorka said...

Great Job! Very nicely done. And as always I love your hats!! Some day.. I will get one!!! SOOOON!!!! hehehe

8:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! You looked fabulous and sounded great too. Loved all the hats :)

9:52 AM


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