Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Su-ummer!The day began with a moped ride to my friends house for brunch. It wasn't raining - so that was good - and we ate out on the deck. Re, as always, layed out quite a yummy spread!! We were introduced to their new neighbors as well as a friend of the neighbors who will be moving to BDA soon. Such nice folks! Really a lovely way to start a Sunday!
We'd already planned to go check out elbow beach whether the sun cam out or NOT! So, we were off and after slathering on the 30SPF we were playing on the pink sands and splashing in the waves of the very blue ocean. Ahhhhhhhhh! I liked the sign on the beach. I don't know if i've ever had to watch out for Man of War before...
'Twas a wonderful day.We ended our days beach fun with an early dinner at Mickey's on the beach. It was packed in no time with a line down the walk, so it was lucky we'd come early.
Apparently it washes away in a storm nearly every year and they rebuild it again for the tourist season (so it must make some money!)
We were treated to both a lovely glass of Sancere and a delicious sunset over the water.
After a lovely day we settled in for the night and were glued to the TV! For those of you who know me you know I hardly watch TV. I don't even have cable. That darn show, Design Star, on HGTV sucked us right in and we watched the 3 episodes that they played back to back. Now Dan's going to have to Tivo this darn show! Tomorrow's our last day!
Thankfully the flight home doesn't leave until 5pm so we've got the bulk of the day ahead of us!
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