Creativity and Ramblings from the heart of NYC and around the World

Sunday, September 16, 2007

House Elves in Italy?

After a wonderful nights sleep, I awoke to a little tap at my door that the shower was available.

After readying myself I walked into the kitchen - had the House Elves been up for hours?

No, Tatiana and Jesus had laid out every delicious option they had!!! Wow!! Eany meany miney month! Amazing!!

By the time I'd finished the toast and special butter (packaged in a fancy tin can) and jam, homemade banana shake and yummy coffee that Jesus had made me stove top, I was FULL! YUM YUM YUM!! I did enjoy looking at all of the packaging of the products. Always interesting to see what other countries use to market their products!

They also have one of these in their kitchen... Tatiana tells me it's called a "Jamonero" and it's holding a ham called "Jamon Iberico"...
You can take a Spaniard out of Spain...

They said sadly the leg was finished, but it had been delish!!! I want one! Being that they were going to drive to pick up a kitten after dropping me made me will they keep the cat away from a leg like that? My cats stay off the kitchen counter, but I wonder if they would if they smelled THAT!!

They kindly drove me to the airport and then left to pick up LuBlu. I forget the breed, but similar to an English Blue. I'll likely see them in Italy again before they can make it to NYC. I look forward to their NYC visit!!

The flight to Milan from Florence is quick. Ahhhh-Milan. I've now been to it's airport, but not the city yet. Add it to the list with Rome, Frankfort and Amsterdam!!

I can say that the Milan airport DOES at least have some decent food!! A glass of Prosseco and a lovely Caprese salad. MMmmmm MMMmmmm!

On my way to my flight I saw THIS:
Lego has made a Harry Potter! It was quite interestingly designed (yes, the technical geek came out as I looked at the choices of colors used for shadows etc.) Fun, no?

If only I knew what my flight ahead held for me! OY!

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Blogger pupupidu said...

Yes, i think Lublu would adore that Jamon IBerico!! but.... it's ours!

5:50 AM


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