Creativity and Ramblings from the heart of NYC and around the World

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Is it Out with the Old or Onward and Upward?

2008 was a busy and explosive year around my house full of life's ups, downs and surprises.

*Was thrilled to witness a gorgeous wedding - Indian and Puerto Rican - in PR dressed in a beautiful Sari with wonderful friends. (Little did I know there could be more Sari’s in my future.)

*I met a beautiful man in the early summer who I’m blessed to still be in the company of.

*Watched a dear friend, of my age, go through breast cancer, a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy, coming out the other side with her wicked sense of humor still in tact.

*Missed out on another trip to South Africa. (Not that I wasn't invited...I had to work. Grrrr.)

*Designed and finished a felted intarsia handbag for the next book in the Stitch and Bitch series.

*Had all of her travel in the last quarter of the year canceled due to budget cuts. The timing ended up being more perfect then I ever could have expected it to be.

*Learned more than I’d ever expected to about partial nephrectomies and spent a few days and nights in the hospital, bedside, with fingers crossed.

*Was witness to either a miracle or brilliant stroke of pure luck.

*Designed 2 more collections that WILL (with positive thinking) help to keep the company I have worked at for the last 10 years charging ahead in this uncertain economy.

*Rejoiced in the outcome of the election.

*Was blessed with the love, caring and affection of friends far and wide right when I needed it. I’ll never be able to thank you all enough for that.

*Got an approval I’ve waited my entire life to get.

I know I’ve taken some time off from this space...but I’m back...even if it’s a little less often than before. One of these days I’ll be able to just think it and it’ll appear on the screen...until then it’s a constant balancing act!

Looking forward to seeing you all around again... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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Blogger pupupidu said...

I hope 2009 will be a great year for you and your family!

Big hug from Italy!

5:57 AM

Blogger Jan said...

Good to have you back, Pumpkin!

2:25 PM


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